“Avatar: The Way of Water”: One-Sentence Review

While Avatar: The Way of Water is 45 minutes too long, no director does sinking-ship sequences more spectacularly than James Cameron.

8.5 out of 12 Tamales

“The Bear: Season One”: One-Sentence Review

Cleverly capturing kitchen chaos in an Adderall bottle, The Bear, a meticulous curator of dish and character, fires on all burners—set at high heat.

12 out of 12 Tamales

“Stranger Things: Season 4”: One-Sentence Review

After season two and three somewhat stagnated The Upside Down’s novelty, Stranger Thing’s fourth outing is wholly refreshed and reinvigorated, an ultimate-penultimate chapter.

11 out of 12 Tamales

“Thor: Love and Thunder” One-Sentence Review

Thor: Ragnarok still rocks louder and better, yet Love and Thunder’s comedic and dramatic chords strike with mostly uproarious and sentimental effect—despite the occasional cacophonous arrangement.

9 out of 12 Tamales

“Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”: One-Sentence Review

Even with a re-energized Sam Raimi at the helm and a badass-as-ever Scarlet Witch, it’s more Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Mundaneness than a laudable follow up to Spider-Man: No Way Home.

8 out of 12 Tamales